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North India (15 day Itinerary)

North India (15 day Itinerary)


e-book only


This itinerary will travel you to  Northern India and is  designed to give you a brief taste of the region over a period of about 15 days. The recommendations will  allow you to experience some of the best things Northern has to offer; the food, the history, the culture & the people.


The proposed itinerary comes in the form of a mobile friendly ebook, accompanied by an interractive map. Included within:


  • Key information about the trip and destination (travel information)

  • A dedicated section where you can input all of your travel reservations to have in one place

  • Travel checklist and links to buy necessities for the trip.

  • Detailed daily proposals with all information required

  • An e-map which overlays onto your own google map with all attractions mentioned in the itinerary but also top picks for food and drink with additional tips and tricks.

  • Ability to take notes within the e-book, add personal information and check the checklist.

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